St. Ignatius


English Department

The English Department attempts to accomplish two major changes in the students before graduation:

  • Our first goal is to enable the students to express themselves in clear and precise prose.
  • The second goal is to give them the critical thinking skills necessary to understand and interpret works of literature in narrative, poetic, and dramatic form.

Our belief is that with these two skills the graduates can present themselves for their college education able to learn from the people and texts that they will encounter in college. Toward this end, we present reading assignments which are of lasting human value and which are predicated on the ultimate judgment that the human is of inexpressible worth. This worth is specifically perceived in the quality of hope that underlies the human imagination. Our department, therefore, is at once concerned with both technical and transcendent values because we believe the human being is given the responsibility for immediate and eternal relationships: relationships with the human and the divine.

Download back issues of SI's literary magazine, The Quill: