St. Ignatius

Visiting Colleges

Visiting a college is a great way to learn about a school and get a sense of your comfort level on a campus. When you visit a college, you not only gain knowledge about that particular college, but you also increase your understanding of what you like and do not like.

For some tips on how to make the most of a college visit, click here. Schedule your visit ahead of time using the college's website. If possible, reach out to SI's admissions representative at the college that you are visiting and make a connection with the person who will eventually be reading your application. If you need assistance with this, see your College Counselor.

If you cannot visit campuses that are out of the area, you can still visit a variety of colleges in the Bay Area. You can get a sense of a large campus at UC Berkeley or SF State; a medium-sized campus at Santa Clara University or UC Santa Cruz; or a small campus like St. Mary's College or Cal Maritime Academy. Visiting these different types of campuses will assist you in discerning your preferences in a college - the size of campus (large, medium, or small), the surrounding area (urban, suburban), and public vs. private.

If you cannot visit a campus but are interested in connecting with a representative from that school, you can reach out to representatives through a school's website. Please see your College Counselor for assistance with this.