St. Ignatius

Curriculum Design & Review Process

Key Resources

Written Curriculum – Where you can find department handbooks and written curriculum for each of our courses.

Written Curriculum Template – Describes the essential elements of our written curriculum and includes a downloadable MS Word document for developing individual units.

Written Curriculum Review Form – Used to assess areas of strength and growth in our written curriculum.

Additional Resources

Extended-Period Lesson Templates – These templates include sample extended-period lesson designs in English, math, science, social science, as well as a blank template. Originally distributed at our in-service on designing curriculum for extended periods (February 2011).

Planning Mechanics – This selection provides examples of several critical elements and structures of effective extended-period lessons. From the resource booklet distributed at our October 2010 in-service on designing instruction for extended teaching periods.

Planning Decisions – This selection highlights the 21 planning decisions – and those 13 indespensible ones – that are critical in developing effective lessons (from Ch. 17, The Skillful Teacher).

CDRP Archive – Lists all of the resources and presentation materials related to our Curriculum Design and Review Process